Find solutions and alternatives
to medications
Myth of the ADD Child and More.
Letters from individuals
who have experienced ADD/ADHD
Does my child have ADD/ADHD?
First we have to establish if there is such a thing. This is
something you must decide for yourself. Is there something wrong
with a child who is "different"? Why can't this child be like other
children? Will this child learn? In the pages that follow, we hope to
help you answer these questions for yourself. You will find letters
from parents who've put their children on drugs, and those who have
found alternatives that work. I hope that you can find your own answers.
Why are we doing this? Because, we have experienced those whose lives
and future were destroyed by a well meaning parent who chose to drug
their children in the name of help. Even after drugging is stopped, the
damage lasts a lifetime.
Must my child be put on Medication?
Following are articles which point out the dangers of medicating children.
There are alternatives to drugging.
Matt Scherbel shares his own childhood experience of having been diagnosed and medicated as ADD.
In this article published in the April/May issue of
Heritage Foundation's Policy Review, Mary Eberstadt points out
that children are being legally drugged with a substance so similar
to cocaine that, as one journalist accurately summarized the science,
"it takes a chemist to tell the difference"?
What is CHADD?
Largest of the add support groups, founded
in 1987,
and by 1993, grown to include 35,000 families
and 600 chapters nationally. Its
professional advisory boardincludes most of the most prominent
academicians in the add world. Read more about CHADD,
Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder)
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